Friday, 31 July 2015

Once in a blue moon....

Its a blue moon tonight. No, the term doesn't refer to moon's colour but to the rare occurrence of a second full moon appearing in a month.

 A full moon appears every 29.5 days. So, there are usually 12 full moons in a year. But some years have 13 , with one month having 2 poornimas- the second of which is called blue moon.
Next will happen in January 2018 .

'Blue' probably comes from the nolonger-understood belewe, meaning 'to betray'. The 'betrayer moon' , in such Christian traditions, referred to a second full moon appearing during the abstinence season Lent , which prolonged the period of fasting.
There are lot more folklores on blue moons around the world in different traditions. 

So, climb up your terrace and enjoy the magistic view.!

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Facebook Profile Tricks...

Facebook nowdays has become a social symbol of our identity. We literally narrate our lives here. Since its such an important part of our life now , everybody wants their profile to be attractive and hep. Here are some amazing tricks which are less known but simple to use :-


Show your friends that you can make impressing status ....

Listen the simple steps ...................

* just go to facebook
* hold alt and press 0,1,7 and 3 respectively and click post
this will post null character as your status which basically is an empty space


This is a funny technology to have fun with your friends.....

* just say some things in your status and then include this link -
this may look like a link to a specific persons's fb profile ,but in reality,it redirects users to their on profiles.

3.) Schedule Posts.

Want to make sure your posts go live even when you’re offline? Use Facebook’s scheduling tool and set a publishing time for your posts. Click on the clock icon in the status line field and take it from there.

4.) Post Upside-Down Texts
Drive your pals a little nuts with FlipText, a fun Facebook trick that automatically turns everything you write upside down. Just a simple copy/paste and your post is flipping.

5.) Turning Off Notifications from Apps, Users, Etc.
Have too much spam coming in from an event, a group or a page? You can shut notifications off by clicking on the notifications icon (the globe), rolling over the nuisance with your mouse and clicking X to delete. Faceboook will then ask you if you want to turn off notifications from that user permanently.
 If you want to personalize your Facebook back ground just got to It is an online editor and collage maker. You can choose there by clicking the background or facebook timeline cover.


 For naming yourself in style


The most important thing - profile picture. Here you can edit your pictures

Now you can make a good variety appearance  and impress your friends.
Good Luck !

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

A Tribute to KALAM...

“My story—the story of the son of Jainulabdeen, who lived for over a hundred years on Mosque Street in Rameswaram island and died there; the story of a lad who sold newspapers to help his brother; the story of a pupil reared by Sivasubramania Iyer and Iyadurai Solomon; the story of a student taught by teachers like Pandalai; the story of an engineer spotted by MGK Menon and groomed by the legendary Prof. Sarabhai; the story of a scientist tested by failures and setbacks; the story of a leader supported by a large team of brilliant and dedicated professionals. This story will end with me, for I have no belongings in the worldly sense. I have acquired nothing, built nothing, possess nothing—no family, sons, daughters.”

Recipient of three of India’s highest civilian awards – Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, and Bharat Ratna, APJ Abdul Kalam, the former president of India, was everything that India could ever be proud of. Besides being a renowned scientist and a visionary, he was also an author of as many as 17 books, many of which were best-sellers. Kalam's 79th birthday was recognised as World Student Day by the United Nations. He has also received honorary doctorates from 40 universities.

A team of Abdul Kalam's close associates has decided to run his official Twitter account which has now been renamed as 'In memory of Dr Kalam'.

I have to say we seem to have had more role models in India before independence than after it. We didn’t have anyone else till one man came along. He was A P J Abdul Kalam. Sadly he is not with us anymore. He has left us yesterday with fond memories and with a lasting legacy built on sound values.
Thank you Dr Kalam, for inspiring us, for teaching us how to be humble, for being with us, for being one of us.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Eid euphoria...

Today reminds me of the mouth-watering ‘sheer’ my friend treated me last year. You should too visit your muslim friends today and l bet they will welcome you . Much of my knowledge for Islam comes from tales and facts my friend recites me and I always like listening to her as they entail profound knowledge Allah showered upon us. All religions teach us something good isn’t it ?
Ramadan , for us it is the holy month when Islamic followers fast during daylight, The narrow lanes near Jama Masjid have been fragrant with the aroma of kebabs, the crowded markets, buzzing with a constant euphoric chatter, and the soulful sounded azaan. It is believed that the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad during the month of Ramadan which has been referred to as the "best of times". Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, improvement and increased devotion and worship.  Ramadan also teaches Muslims how to better practice self-discipline, self-control sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate; thus encouraging actions of generosity and compulsory charity. I am not here to literally explain Ramadan or Eid. But I do believe even if you are not an Islamic follower such a humanistic value should be observed and practiced by all of us not fasting but affection and empathy atleast.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Prejudices of being a Guy...

As a thought-experiment, you could imagine that you haven't been born yet and you get to choose which gender you want to live your life as. You get to be fully informed about what the world is like, but all you know about your future life is that you'll be a human being growing up (Significantly, you don't know your race or sexual orientation.) Which gender would you choose to be? I think some people would choose to be a man, and others would choose to be a woman, and it's far from obvious what the wiser choice would be.
Although we don't get to make the choice we develop love for our gender as we grow up.
I love being a woman. I am proud of it and feminism would my team always. But being a young woman my mind wanders to the other side. And i want to share that.

The cultural stereotype is that it's great to be a man.
Trying to convince a woman that being a guy isn’t a cake walk usually ends with loads of examples of feminine woes. Of course, being male isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, and here are some reasons why.

1. Men have less freedom than women in some ways. We women get a lot more leverage and flexibility in the way we dress, what our interests are, and how we spend our leisure time. Men have fewer socially acceptable ways to express themselves with clothing, accessories or haircuts without being typecast.

2. Men really have no scientifically documented hormonal issues on which to blame anything. Especially for being perverted and having an irrationally high desire for sex in young age.

3. Despite the call for gender equality, most women expect the guy to make the move. A woman could literally just go out by herself and make no moves, yet attract the attention of men. She has far more choice. She has the choice of going up to a guy OR waiting for potential suitors. On the flip-side, a guy who just waits is statistically far less likely to attract a woman that way.

4. There is a stigma attached to a male expressing emotions.
It’s that we simply weren't trained that way, or maybe it's a combination of biology and culture. Because of socialization and the way gender roles are mapped out in our culture.

5. There is a significant stated or unwritten rule that men are to provide finance and security. They have to be the bread winner whereas women have a choice to either earn or stay at home.

6. There's that word. "Masculinity." I think it is a burden. It seems that men need to prove their manhood in ways women don't always understand. We don't have to prove our femininity to anyone.

There is a lot of current confusion about the role of a man, not quite so much about the role of a women. Men are expected to be strong yet have delicate moments, be sensitive at times but not vulnerable, be generous and courteous but not old fashioned or patronizing. Acting outside gender roles can result in social fallout and be considered a sissy, or have their sexuality questioned (by both sexes).

The world is complicated. This may not be fashionable to point out, but its reality.

(To share your stories and thoughts here email me at

Monday, 13 July 2015

Worst Kinds Of Drivers You Will Encounter Everywhere In India...

Traffic rules? Myth for these fellas

1. The Spitter and litterer

They slow down their swanky car, roll down their windows, shamelessly spit on the road and drive away. Probably a distant cousin of the spitter, the world is their dumping ground. And you just stand there like…

"Modi ji ka swatch bharat abhiyaan" 

2. The high beam guy

Do you realize how scorching it is for eyes? Its only meant for highways dude...

3. The shared autowala

 They are studs of Indian roads who have right to kick brake in the middle of the road and take adventurous twists and turns on a straight road. Always causing trouble.

 4. The Abuser

Well its a part of our local language.They are the ones who have a suppressed kind of road rage, where they can’t let anyone pass without abusing them. They will fight with you just because your vehicle got too close to theirs.

P.S.- they think they are expert drivers getting in mid-way

5.  The Drunk Drivers

They are found everywhere on weekends. Being illegal as it is, they stop their car in the middle of the road, pee in the bushes and scare not-drunk people with their driving.

6.The Parking Mishap-ers

They just don’t know how to park. They will eat-up the parking space of three vehicles, just to park their one. And probably leave a few scratches. Or they will park anywhere on the road as if the their car is a showpiece.

 7. The Freak Biker

They swish their way through traffic like a badass because two-wheelers have right to fit anywhere between cars or above footpath and get through the heavy traffic causing more trouble.

8. The Loudy Rathore

Rolled down windows with loud music, over-utilising their buffer music system while romaing around on streets. These dudes destroy the pleasure of listening to new hit songs beacuse of their super cool attitude and chick hunting.


 Drive safely and within senses.


Sunday, 12 July 2015

7 Facebook statues and annoying users that need to stop...

We've all read statuses and encountered users who have an annoying presence on our news feed. And there are few status trends that are universally awful. I hope such people will take the hint and cease the trend immediately. 

1. The Attention Seeker

they want you to ask further questions on what happened. They are being intentionally vague for attention.Do you really have strength to post that?

2. Minute to Minute Update

No, you are boring. Do you want people to stalk you? There is a reason you have zero likes on this status. Take the hint.

3. The Private Message

The status is obviously meant for a particular person. Talk to them insted of posting it on fb. This is waste of my news feed.

4. Overly Hashtagged

No one likes to try and pick out words in hashtags to know what you wanna say.

5. Attention Seeker Part II

Well because you are shamelessly fishing for compliments and we know you Photoshopped it for about an hour before uploading. Looking for comments like " oh no! you look pretty." 

6. The Walkaway Threat

No, you aren't. You just want us to convince you to stay because you add so much value to our news feed.

7. The Default Pic Update every day (with same head tilt)

don't you have anything better to do ? Atleast search some nice poses and angles on google or even better- spare us!


Saturday, 11 July 2015

The first post of many to come...

 It will please some of you to know that i almost titled this article "who the hell are you? " for my introduction but it will please the rest of you to know that i realize not everyone gets my sense of humor as well as i do.

This is the beginning of the blog where what one thinks, feels, does, reads, observes, plans , learns and participates can be shared.

I am just another regular human on earth who  believe we all write out our lives, our thoughts, acts, relationships and deeds even if it is just in air with one’s  inner self as pen and their thoughts as ink. Somewhere we already know what we are gonna do, how will we react and what equation we will build up with a person. If not, we are just not paying enough attention to our mind journal.  We think, we over think or we do not think at all.Sometimes the hardest part about writing is learning how to find your voice. You  must be able to find your identity and identify your voice.

Readers are welcome to share their experiences and expressions through name and anonymity.

I hereby enter into the world of self expression to you beautiful minds through this platform.