Friday, 31 July 2015

Once in a blue moon....

Its a blue moon tonight. No, the term doesn't refer to moon's colour but to the rare occurrence of a second full moon appearing in a month.

 A full moon appears every 29.5 days. So, there are usually 12 full moons in a year. But some years have 13 , with one month having 2 poornimas- the second of which is called blue moon.
Next will happen in January 2018 .

'Blue' probably comes from the nolonger-understood belewe, meaning 'to betray'. The 'betrayer moon' , in such Christian traditions, referred to a second full moon appearing during the abstinence season Lent , which prolonged the period of fasting.
There are lot more folklores on blue moons around the world in different traditions. 

So, climb up your terrace and enjoy the magistic view.!

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